Monday, October 12, 2009

Fresh Outside Starts from The Inside

Face Skin Care
--> My hairstyle was not good looking when I saw myself in the mirror. Then I decided to cut my hair. And now… My hairstyle is still not good looking.. Hehe.. But at least it is better. At the end of hair cutting session,
The hairstylist : “Mas where do you come from?”
Me : “ I come from Jogjakarta”
The hairstylist : “Are you sure? I thought that you are Korean”
Me : “Hah?”
Hmm… Hopefully she is honest. Or maybe she just wanted to make me happy by giving that statement, so that I would be back to her. :(

--> At home I saw myself in the mirror. Then I realized that Propionibacterium Acnes had attacked my face. A pimples yet a wrinkles. The heat of Jogjakarta made my skin burned. After going around whole day, I washed my face with facial foam but then it irritated my skin. I felt my skin was so dry. In the morning a pimple at my left check occurred. Arrrggggh.. :(

I believe that we all want to have a healthy skin. A correct maintainance must be done. But for an ordinary boy like me, I only need at least washing my face. That experience made me try my Mom’s L’Oreal Revitalift Milky Toner in the night. My skin felt so soft and comfortable. :)

Based on my observation L’Oreal Revitalift Milky Toner contains Retinol. Retinol is ingested in a precursor form : animal sources (liver, eggs, milk) contain retinyl esters, whereas plants (carrots, spinach, tomato) contain pro-vitamin A carotenoids. Hydrolysis of retinyl esters results in retinol. In cosemtic, this vitamin A derivative is used as anti-aging chemical. Vitamin A is absorbed through the skin and increases the rate of skin regeneration, and gives an increase in collagen giving a more youthful appearance.

An extensive research on retinol conducted by The University of Michigan found that the efficacy of retinol was because of skin receptors for retinoic acid. These receptors are known as Retinoic Acid Receptors and are found on the outer membrane of cells. Retinoic acid was found to aid the reproduction of cells and also helped in proper functioning of cells. Though Retinol is widely used for treatment of acne or pimple. It is also to combat skin damaged due to the sun.

I believe that every single human has an intention to maintain their appearance. From the lowest until the highest level of maintainance. For example facial foam until plastic surgery. That is outer maintainance. Then how about inner maintainance? I think it is the most important thing to be maintained.

--> In Ramadhan we have learned to control or at least minimalize our negative emotions such as angry, envious, selfish, and etc. Hopefully we can keep doing that eventhough we are not in Ramadhan anymore. I always try to do the right thing with good and honest intention to maintain human relationship, but some of my friend still don’t like it. Even I have done inner maintainance, people still don’t like it. Moreover, what will happen if I don’t do any inner maintainance? It will be even worse. Just keep doing it and forgive them because forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
"Fresh outside starts from the inside"

I suggest you to continue your reading

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Aulia Pearl's Fashion Festival To Bandung

We agree that Bandung is famous among teenagers who have been infected by shopaholic virus when we discuss this capital city of West Java province. Shopping festival, I really love it. Moreover if I can buy fashion good which has excelent quality in a great deal of money. Jacket, shoes, bag, leggin, hat, belt, accessories, and etc. can be found in Bandung. One thing which makes Bandung is different with another city is the unique fashion good which always be a trend setter in fashion magazine!

On Saturday, August 29 2009 I went to Gambir station from Senopati by Blue Bird Taxi which only costed me IDR. 33.000. On a few minutes, my legs force me to queue and buy Parahyangan Executive Class Train ticket for IDR. 45.000. Luckyly, there were only few passengers and not crowded at all as usual. "Hmmm... maybe because it's Saturday" I guess.

Based on the ticket, the train would depart at 13.30 and arrived at 16.30. While I was enjoying the beautiful scenery dished up by Parahyangan, I telephoned my aunt (Javanese : Bude) "Bude Atik I'm on the way to Bandung. I'm curious on some shopping stage, would you pick me up and then we can continue to shop please? Because Bandung is your city, it means Bude Atik have to threat me... Hehehe :D". She always becomes my female angel ready sincerely to welcome me!
"Darling, welcome welcome to Bandung" said my aunt when I arrived.

Bandung Indah Plaza "BIP" at Dago was the first place visited by us. I was really fascinated and joyful! The condition was not hot like in Jakarta even I walked along the street. There were a lot of factory outlets providing fashion good on my right and left side. But because I had zero experience visiting Bandung, my aunt just suggested me to visit BIP. I didn't know which shop or factory outlet that would provide you best product quality and not to mention best price. Some of my friends who are expericed shopping in Bandung told me that I can get an excelent fashion product with a very cheap price! We broke fasting at Dunkin Doughnat. Yummy.. I love chocolate-mints taste and chocolate-nuts doughnats. We have to break fasting with something sweet, not to mention Bandung girls were so sweet too... Hihihi XD.. X8 counter became my only place to buy 2 soft-black jackets for my lovely young brothers. I only knew X8 because I had ever bought it for a birthday present.

On Sunday, I visited my grandfather's graveyard located at Cimahi and prayed for him for about an hour. My female angel and I continued going to Setiabudi and Ciwalk "Cihampelas Walk". Setiabudi and Ciwalk were at the street line. There was Rumah Mode at Setiabudi, but unfortunately I couldn't have eyes glancing there. Next journey, it's a must for me to visit Rumah Mode. We moved down to Ciwalk. We walked along the street. The fashion shops (called Distro) and factory outlets were spreaded. Wherever we turned our face, we would only see people moving inside and outside the shops. It's the best place to drain our money in minimum expense, but we got an excelent quality!

Based on my observation Ciwalk also had a clustered shopping area (the pictures above) which was still being constructed and rearranged. I cann't wait for shopping festival.

We ended our journey at 15.00 and moved to Bandung Station. My aunt had bought me Argo Gedhe Executive Class Train ticket IDR. 60.000. When breakfasting time came, We bought my favourite meals, Hoka Hoka Bento, at the station. Chocolate Koori Konyaku, Ekkado, and Bento Special 1 became my favourite menu. Delicious! The train would picked me up at 18.30 and brought me back to Jakarta at 21.30. I want to say million thanks because Bude Atik had threated me very nice and not to mention paid all my expenses..! Hehehe :P. See you on my next journey to Bandung after Idul Fitri!!

Picture references :

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plastic Surgery? Are You Interested?

You are ugly! Don't You see that You have million pimple on Yor face! And You have "sawo matang" brown colored skin! You look like an Expired Chocolate-Nut that no one wants to eat You! Ouw Ouw Ouw. :D. What do You think if your friends say that to You? Are You angry, frustated, and depressed about your un-good looking face? :D. Do You have any idea to do Plastic Surgery or Skin Treatment to mark up Your unbelieveble ugly face? :0

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Asian Americans underwent 866.000 cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in 2008, a 290 percent increase since the year 2000. Hispanics had a 239 percent increaase and African Americans a 145 percent increase. Despite the fact that women are 10 times more likely than men to undergo cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeons said they had witnessed a new trend of Asian American men, especially those within the middle-age bracket, showing up at their clinics. Dr. George Sun, a Chinese-American plastic surgeon who has been in practice for 16 years in Los Angeles, noted that 60 percent of his Asian male clients are over 40 years old. then how about You boys and girls are You interested too?

Well If You are having an extreme problem with Your not good looking face, You have to prepare Yourselves to bleed Your money! Dr. Charles K. Lee, a Korean-American plastic surgeon in San Fransisco, stated that Asian men usually spend about $200 to $2,000 on non surgical procedures, and $2,000 to $15,000 on surgical procedures.

"Men in their 30s or above, are trying to compete and want to look useful" said Dr. Lee.
Dr. Lee added that during pre-surgery consulting sessions with middle-aged Asian men, they told him that people, especially in the work place, made comments about them "looking tired". In fact, 75 percent of plastic surgeons agree seeing more people requesting cosmetic surgery to remain competitive in the workplace, according to 2008 American Academy of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Membership Study.
Dear friends..
Do You realize something? Those people are willing to spend their money to have an absolutely handsome/beautiful face. We as an ordinary people with limited money maybe only checking up our skin to the Skin Doctor or buying well known cosmetic product. They spend money, We spend money. But the big big big questions is "HOW MUCH MONEY HAVE YOU SPENT FOR YOUR KIND-PERSONALITY IMPROVEMENT AS A HUMAN BEING?"? Only God and You know the answer. Yes.. They are good looking! If They have good looking face and noble personality, It's perfect! :). But If they have no kind-personality or noble attitude as human being! What do You think? We do not need to spend lot's of money to have beautiful kind personality which make us become a noble human. A more powerful inner-beauty/handsome We have, a more powerful outside beauty/handsome We have. Your inner-beauty/handsome will make people around say "Yes You are beautiful. Yes You are handsome". Believe that God has given us million best gifts that We cann't mention it one by one! Be grateful grateful and GRATEFUL! Plastic Surgery? Are You Interested?

"I am not interested at all to do plastic surgery. I believe that our noble personality is more important than our performance. If We have noble personality, I believe that the performance will follow soon. :). Just need to be developed! I am grateful with myself. Here I am... Thank You Allah" :).

References : (Picture on the right side taken)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Son Do You Realize? God Does Realize?

Good day. i still remembered when I first came to this Finance Division. Had no experience at all about veryfying a financial responsibility report but the regulation forced me to do so. Million pieces of paper from Sabang until Merauke must be verified one by one. Hiks hiks hiks. T_T Not only that, in the case of fund proposals I had to call all the treasurers one by one although It should be them calling and asking me. They didn't notice that there was a deadline for every single tasks. "Ya Allah please help me! Make them understand the regulation" that what I always asked when I prayed.
Every night I telephoned my Mommy and told her about my crazy job in office. "Mom there are million paper everyday which have to be verified correctly. I have zero experience but I have to manage more than IDR. 10 billion a month. I'm very affraid if I make a mistakes, hundreds people's life will be sacrificed. X(. If I have chance to choose, I prefer working in regional office than in central office. You know Mom.. I have more load than the regional officer but the sallary is same. Beside that the living cost in Jakarta is higher than in the regional. I want to go back to Jogja and have joyful life." I shared that everyday with my Mommy. I do believe if You are in my position You will have the same opinion. Not only me, my office mates absolutely have the same think.
Then do you want to know what my dearest Mom advice me? "My dear son did You still remember when You applied STAN, there were more than 250.000 people did so? But only 2500 people were accepted. From 150 people in one testing room only You and Zaki were accepted! Then You became the best student in STAN which made the Central Office recruits You as a Verificator in Finance Division. Now Mommy will ask You.. how many of your Senior High School graduates are still in the middle of nowhere? But Allah has placed You in Directorate General of Taxes. More over every month You get a big big sallary even it's compared with private company. My Son.. You have to realize that there are million people outside are hardly queueing to get their favorable job, but You see.. Allah has eased Your path of life. You should be grateful!! Say this.. There are million people outside who are absolutely wishing a tiring, boring, busy, and crazy life as You have mentioned before! Be grateful Son! I'm very proud of You! do Your Best for Indonesia!

When my Mom told me, I couldn't hold my eyes to drain the grateful tears. Like Allah throws down the water from the sky to the dried ground. Hiks hiks hiks. T_T. Mommy thank You for opening my heart and illuminating my blind eyes!

Now I have been enjoying and loving my Job since September 9th 2008. The new question will be "Hey is that any job that I can do more? Where is my beloved papers? I've finished this! Hehehe :D." I love my Job. God does realize, I do realize. Thank You Allah.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Passport-Making!!

Good day Fellow Friends.
If You want to go visiting another country, WHAT must You have firstly?? A PASSPORT! Ibu Mien Soenari encouraged me and my Catalyst Toastmasters Club friends to join Toastmasters International Convention in Genting, Malaysia. It will be my first going abroad experience. Had no idea of passsport-making, Kak Ahda, Mas Erikson, and I decided to make the passport together.

How to make a passport? What We have to submit? Where can We make? How much does it cost? Is it easy? As an ordinary citizen didn't have any experience, I questioned myself about those questions. Then I started collecting information provided by Mr. Google. People I found stated that passport-making sacrificed lot's of time and money. They stated using these words ''expensive, uncomfortable, wasting time, slow, boring, not professional,worse''. The Question is... Is it true??

We made Green Passport 48 pages for our own business. Those oppinion made us feel crazy n affraid. But at least We had got the most important points. HERE they are :
1. Go directly
Go directly to Indonesia Immigration Office DO NOT use agent ''Calo'' because the agent will cost You extremely expensive price for about IDR 750.000. If You go directly You ONLY need to pay IDR 270.000 based on the Imigration Law.
2. Identity Card "Kartu Tanda Penduduk"
Bring the original and copy separatedly. You can register with any Identity Card. For example I have Yogyakarta Identity Card and I can register at South Jakarta Imigration office. The imigration office has been ONLINE. So wherever You are, You can make passport wherever You want.
3. Birth Certificate
Bring the original and copy.
4. Family Identity Card ''Kartu Keluarga''
Bring the original and copy. The address in your identity card must be
5. Passport Requesting Form
Use BLACK ink pen!! Fill all the blank sheet based on the information asked.
6. Recommendation Letter
If You are an employer, You must have this from Your Eselon III or IV.

After You have submitted those files, the officer will told You that Your passport will be issued within 7 working days. On the day 4th You have to come to the immigration office then pay IDR 270.000 for photograph, finger print, and interview session. On the day 7th You have to come to take Your Dream Passport!!

Based on my experience, The Indonesia Immigration Office had served me well based on the Law. I enjoyed and had fun with my passport-making proccess!! While waiting for my turn to be served by the officer, I spent my time by reading a book. Checking my facebook account and supervising my docstoc. ^^ . Trust me If You have a will, The passport will be finished ONLY within 7 working days and cost IDR 270.000. After passport on our hand, InsyaAllah Bu Mien will book the Air Asia Ticket "Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta" for us soon. You know Air Asia ONLY charges us for about IDR 500.000. Very cheap right??

So What are You waiting for? Happy Passport-Making Friends!!

Monday, June 08, 2009

The History of Angpao

Good day Fellow Friends !
Every year We always hear from our Chinese friends saying "Gong Xi Gong Xi Fa Cai". Let's learn together one of Chinese Tradition "Giving Angpao", so that We can enrich our Cultural Knowledge and give more values for our life.....

The History of Angpao -

Friday, June 05, 2009

My Journey to Bandung

Bandung here I come ! I love shopping!! But I am not ShopaHolic. Fufufu. :D.

Bandung, Indonesia, is an interesting city located at West Java. We call the people ''Sundanese''. The girls and boys are famous because their good looking face and noble attitude. They have white-yellow-clean skin maybe because of the cold weather.

Bandung is also famous as fashion city. You can compare it with Paris,French! Ha ha ha. There You can buy funky jacket, jeans, unique hat, cute accessories, bag (my friend have a coffin bag~he brings his zombie bag every time~ :D) and etc with a good deal. Good quality, unique, and cheap products are spreaded in every single shop called ''Distro''.

How to go to Bandung The Sea of Flame (Read : Bandung Lautan Api) from Jakarta? The easiest and cheapest way? Now, I'm on the way going to Bandung when I post this speech draft. I have to go to Bandung because I will attend my cousin's wedding ceremony tomorrow. I had booked 2 train tickets ''Jakarta-Bandung-Jakarta'' on Thursday, June 3rd 2009, at Gambir Station. If You want to go to Bandung, I recommend You to buy Argo Gede or Parahyangan ticket, executive class. Argo Gede used to go to Bandung today at 19.30 costs only IDR 55.000. Parahyangan used to go back to Jakarta on Sunday,June 7th 2009, at 08.45 a.m. costs only IDR 40.000

Last 2 hours, I was on the way to Gambir Station from Gatot Subroto Street by Blue Bird taxi and it costed ONLY IDR 36.000 (Because traffic jam, normally it's only IDR 25.000). To go to my uncle's house in Bandung, I have booked Blue Bird taxi by calling +62227561234. Why do I always choose Blue Bird? Because Blue Bird Group is credible, trusted, cheap, and comfortable. I cann't waiting to drop my foot on Bandung!

Tomorrow after the wedding party, it's time for shopping festival. Whawhawha. :D
Are You interested going to Bandung?? Let's go...

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Self Satisfaction

Self Satisfaction -

Share and Learn

Good day.
Last Friday, May 29th 2009, I went to Grand Indonesia to buy some books about Google because I really wanted to know the whole benefits I could get from Google. Those books motivated me to join and use Google Search optimally.
Well... my name is Fitroh Akbar Aulia Primadiansyah. I was born in Yogyakarta, May 16th 1988. You can call me Aulia or Prima. I also have another name Aulia Pearl. Do you know what it means? Aulia means noble and Pearl means I believe that I will always become a Pearl everywhere. Pearl always shining the light for every creature around him.
Before joining this site, I have been joining for 1 week. Mostly, I uploaded my speech draft in docstoc. I work as Directorate General of Taxes officer and join Toastmasters Organization. By joining Toastmasters I have an opportunity to develop my public speaking and leadership skills. I have to finish the Competent/Advanced Communication Manual by delivering speech based on the project. All the speech drafts have been made will be uploaded on both blogger and docstoc.
I do believe that my speech drafts will be more useful and meaningful if I can share those to all of you. Hopefully, It can entertain, inspire, and inform you a lot. Trust me! You will get lot's of benefits from it.
To improve my skill, I am opened to accept suggestion and feedback. Nice to see you all. Have a great day.
Best regards,
Fitroh Akbar Aulia Primadiansyah

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