Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Plastic Surgery? Are You Interested?

You are ugly! Don't You see that You have million pimple on Yor face! And You have "sawo matang" brown colored skin! You look like an Expired Chocolate-Nut that no one wants to eat You! Ouw Ouw Ouw. :D. What do You think if your friends say that to You? Are You angry, frustated, and depressed about your un-good looking face? :D. Do You have any idea to do Plastic Surgery or Skin Treatment to mark up Your unbelieveble ugly face? :0

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Asian Americans underwent 866.000 cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in 2008, a 290 percent increase since the year 2000. Hispanics had a 239 percent increaase and African Americans a 145 percent increase. Despite the fact that women are 10 times more likely than men to undergo cosmetic procedures, plastic surgeons said they had witnessed a new trend of Asian American men, especially those within the middle-age bracket, showing up at their clinics. Dr. George Sun, a Chinese-American plastic surgeon who has been in practice for 16 years in Los Angeles, noted that 60 percent of his Asian male clients are over 40 years old. then how about You boys and girls are You interested too?

Well If You are having an extreme problem with Your not good looking face, You have to prepare Yourselves to bleed Your money! Dr. Charles K. Lee, a Korean-American plastic surgeon in San Fransisco, stated that Asian men usually spend about $200 to $2,000 on non surgical procedures, and $2,000 to $15,000 on surgical procedures.

"Men in their 30s or above, are trying to compete and want to look useful" said Dr. Lee.
Dr. Lee added that during pre-surgery consulting sessions with middle-aged Asian men, they told him that people, especially in the work place, made comments about them "looking tired". In fact, 75 percent of plastic surgeons agree seeing more people requesting cosmetic surgery to remain competitive in the workplace, according to 2008 American Academy of Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Membership Study.
Dear friends..
Do You realize something? Those people are willing to spend their money to have an absolutely handsome/beautiful face. We as an ordinary people with limited money maybe only checking up our skin to the Skin Doctor or buying well known cosmetic product. They spend money, We spend money. But the big big big questions is "HOW MUCH MONEY HAVE YOU SPENT FOR YOUR KIND-PERSONALITY IMPROVEMENT AS A HUMAN BEING?"? Only God and You know the answer. Yes.. They are good looking! If They have good looking face and noble personality, It's perfect! :). But If they have no kind-personality or noble attitude as human being! What do You think? We do not need to spend lot's of money to have beautiful kind personality which make us become a noble human. A more powerful inner-beauty/handsome We have, a more powerful outside beauty/handsome We have. Your inner-beauty/handsome will make people around say "Yes You are beautiful. Yes You are handsome". Believe that God has given us million best gifts that We cann't mention it one by one! Be grateful grateful and GRATEFUL! Plastic Surgery? Are You Interested?

"I am not interested at all to do plastic surgery. I believe that our noble personality is more important than our performance. If We have noble personality, I believe that the performance will follow soon. :). Just need to be developed! I am grateful with myself. Here I am... Thank You Allah" :).

References : (Picture on the right side taken)


erikson said...

pertamax gannnnnn :D

Aulia Pearl said...

Mas Erikson.. Thanks a lot udh bantuin Prima. ^^

eet said...

nah gtu dong..
harus bangga jadi diri sendiri..

anisa anggia said...


kirain dirimu masih berhasrat u/ganti kulit?hehehe..

belajar ilmu dri ular ajaa..(alias ilmu Nglungsungi)..ekonomis,praktis...

Aulia Pearl said...

@ Mas Eet : Haiah Mas... Iya mas. Don't worry I will always lah.

@ Jeng Anggie : Enggalah Jeng. Sy udh terlihat oke kok. Hahaha. :D. Duuh belajar dr ular. Gmn kl belajar sm Jeng Anggie aja? kan Jeng Anggie pawang ular... Sstststststst.. Hehehe. :D

Erikson said...

Plastic Surgery?? how much do i owe for that??hhahahaha.. i prefer going on vacation to have that kind of thing.. that is not really me :)

Aulia Pearl said...

@Mas Erikson : $ 15,000. Very cheap right? Hueeeks. Yup2. I agree with You Mas.

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