Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Passport-Making!!

Good day Fellow Friends.
If You want to go visiting another country, WHAT must You have firstly?? A PASSPORT! Ibu Mien Soenari encouraged me and my Catalyst Toastmasters Club friends to join Toastmasters International Convention in Genting, Malaysia. It will be my first going abroad experience. Had no idea of passsport-making, Kak Ahda, Mas Erikson, and I decided to make the passport together.

How to make a passport? What We have to submit? Where can We make? How much does it cost? Is it easy? As an ordinary citizen didn't have any experience, I questioned myself about those questions. Then I started collecting information provided by Mr. Google. People I found stated that passport-making sacrificed lot's of time and money. They stated using these words ''expensive, uncomfortable, wasting time, slow, boring, not professional,worse''. The Question is... Is it true??

We made Green Passport 48 pages for our own business. Those oppinion made us feel crazy n affraid. But at least We had got the most important points. HERE they are :
1. Go directly
Go directly to Indonesia Immigration Office DO NOT use agent ''Calo'' because the agent will cost You extremely expensive price for about IDR 750.000. If You go directly You ONLY need to pay IDR 270.000 based on the Imigration Law.
2. Identity Card "Kartu Tanda Penduduk"
Bring the original and copy separatedly. You can register with any Identity Card. For example I have Yogyakarta Identity Card and I can register at South Jakarta Imigration office. The imigration office has been ONLINE. So wherever You are, You can make passport wherever You want.
3. Birth Certificate
Bring the original and copy.
4. Family Identity Card ''Kartu Keluarga''
Bring the original and copy. The address in your identity card must be
5. Passport Requesting Form
Use BLACK ink pen!! Fill all the blank sheet based on the information asked.
6. Recommendation Letter
If You are an employer, You must have this from Your Eselon III or IV.

After You have submitted those files, the officer will told You that Your passport will be issued within 7 working days. On the day 4th You have to come to the immigration office then pay IDR 270.000 for photograph, finger print, and interview session. On the day 7th You have to come to take Your Dream Passport!!

Based on my experience, The Indonesia Immigration Office had served me well based on the Law. I enjoyed and had fun with my passport-making proccess!! While waiting for my turn to be served by the officer, I spent my time by reading a book. Checking my facebook account and supervising my docstoc. ^^ . Trust me If You have a will, The passport will be finished ONLY within 7 working days and cost IDR 270.000. After passport on our hand, InsyaAllah Bu Mien will book the Air Asia Ticket "Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta" for us soon. You know Air Asia ONLY charges us for about IDR 500.000. Very cheap right??

So What are You waiting for? Happy Passport-Making Friends!!

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